Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Sinful Macaroni & Cheese.

It only seems appropriate that our first shared recipe post be macaroni and cheese. Why? Because if you don't like macaroni and cheese, then get the hell outta this blog. I kid I kid. I mean, really though. How do you not like Macaroni & Cheese? What did it ever do to you besides clog your arteries with this cheesy goodness?

I think it would be great to post photos but that requires a whole new level of organization that I'm a little afeared to tread into...we shall see, though!

Recipe Ahoy!

Classic Macaroni and Cheese--serves 6-8 as a main course or 10-12 as aside dish (trust me--if you make the entire thing, it will last for days!)

Its crucial to cook the pasta until tender--that is, just past the "aldente" stage. In fact, its better to overcook rather than undercookthe pasta. Whole, low-fat and skim milk all work with this recipe.The recipe may be halved and baked in an 8 inch square, broiler safebaking dish, If desired, offer celery salt or hot sauce, such astabasco, for sprinkling at the table.

6 slices good quality white sandwich bread torn into rough pieces
3 tablespoons cold unsalted butter cut into
6 pieces

1 pound elbow macaronisalt
5 tablespoons unsalted butter
6 tablespoons all purpose flower
1 1/2 tsp dry mustard
1/4 tsp cayenne pepper (optional)
5 cups milk
8 oz monterey jack cheese shredded (2 cups)
8 oz sharp cheddar cheese shredded (2 cups)

1) For the bread crumbs: Pulse the bread and butter in a foodprocessor until the crumbs are no larger than 1/8 inch--ten to fifteen1--second pulses. Set aside.

2) For the pasta and cheese: Adjust an oven rack to the lower middleposition and heat the broiler. Bring 4 quarts of water to a rollingboil in a Dutch Oven over high heat (I have made this in a big souppot AND a dutch oven and it really doesn't make much of a difference). Add the macaroni and 1 tablespoon salt and stir to separate thenoodels. Cook until the pasta is tender. Drain in a colander and setaside.

3) IN the now-empty Dutch Oven/Pot, heat the butter over medium highheat until foaming. Add the flour, mustard and cayenne (if using) andwhisk well to combine. Continue whisking until the mixture becomesfragrant and deepens in color, about 1 minute. Whisking constantly,gradually add the milk; bring the mixture to a boil, whiskingconstantly (the mixture must reach a full boil to fully thicken), thenreduce the heat to medium and simmer, whisking occasionally, untilthickened to the consistency of heavy cream, about 5 minutes. Off theheat, whisk in the cheeses and 1 tsp salt until the cheese are fullymelted. Add the pasta and cook over medium-low heat, stirringconstantly until the mixture is steaming and heated through--about 6minutes.

4) Transfer the mixture to a broiler safe 13 x 9 inch baking dish andsprinkle evenly with the bread crumbs. Broil until the crumbs aredeep golden brown--3 to 5 minutes--rotating the pan if necessary foreven browning.
Cool about 5 minutes, then serve.


  1. America's Test Kitchen :( Do you think I'll get sued for sharing it?

  2. We should probably give credit to the source.

    YUM! Mac and cheese is the ultimate comfort food, I might make this tomorrow after a long week of caring for a sick baby.
