Saturday, February 9, 2013

Rich Buttermilk Waffles (Or How to Utilize Leftover Buttermilk)

Remember when I made an Olive Oil Blood Orange Cake?  Yeah, well all of a sudden I found myself with more buttermilk in my fridge than I had ever had there before.  (When you start with never having  buttermilk in your fridge, this is not that difficult).

Anyway--I decided to try buttermilk pancakes this weekend to use it all up.  Then I remembered that Lars (and Bjorn?) actually don't like pancakes.  They are waffle purists.  Strange.  So, even though the recipe I found involved separating eggs and beating egg whites to firm peaks (gawd), I decided to appease the boys in my life.

This is the Mark Bittman Rich Buttermilk Waffles recipe that I halved since--despite eating for two and having a toddler who has seemingly grown six inches in the past week---we just can't eat four servings of waffles first thing in the morning.  

I was very happy with how they turned out.  I was a little skeptical since I don't ever recall being that involved with eggs and my sordid waffle-making past; but it wasn't that difficult to separate and just beat the egg with a whisk instead of using an electric mixer.   I can't say I would go out of my way and buy buttermilk explicitly to make this recipe again--but if I ever have leftover buttermilk in the house (the rest of the ingredients are pretty much staples),  it will be a go-to weekend recipe.

Smitten Kitchen has also adapted the Bittman recipe for posting on her website.  Also looks to be a case of leftover buttermilk.

1 comment:

  1. Buttermilk is the best. It gives baked goods a tanginess and a light crumb. I'm gonna buy some at the store today now.
